Statistical Analysis for Education and Psychology Researchers

(Jeff_L) #1


A priori comparisons, 328–329
Adjusted means, 329
Alpha, 114
Alternate form reliability (See Reliability coefficients)
Analysis of variance (ANOVA) parametric, 312
assumptions, 318–319
in SAS using PROC GLM, 318
one-way, 319
two-way, 338
related, 330
split plot, 343
and violation of assumptions, 347
Analysis of variance (ANOVA) nonparametric, 236
(See Kruskal-Wallis ANOVA, Friedman’s ANOVA)
Approximate t′-ratio, 297–298
Arcsine transformation, 155–157
using SAS data step, 155

Balanced design, 312, 338
Bar charts, 52, 53
Behrens-Fisher problem, 207
Beta (ß) weights in regression, 255
Binomial coefficient, 98
Binomial distribution and SAS function PROBBNML, 178
Binomial test, 175
(See difference in proportions)
assumptions, 176
worked example, 177–180
Box and whisker plot, 56

Carryover effects, 309
Censored observations, 78
Central Limit Theorem, 105
Change score analysis, 192, 307–312
and difference in pre-test post-test designs, 196
(See sign test for matched pairs and t-test)
Checking for normality, 143

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