Mathematical Tools for Physics

(coco) #1
4—Differential Equations 97





When the external force is the sum of two terms, the total solution is the sum of the solutions for the
individual forces.
m ̈x+kx=F 0 +F 1 (22)

If the two terms are two steps

F 0 =


F(t 0 ) (t 0 < t < t 1 )
0 (elsewhere)
and F 1 =


F(t 1 ) (t 1 < t < t 2 )
0 (elsewhere)

then ifx 0 is the solution to Eq. ( 22 ) with only theF 0 on the right, andx 1 is the solution with onlyF 1 , then the
full solution to Eq. ( 22 ) is the sum,x 0 +x 1.
Think of a general forcing functionFx,ext(t)in the way that you would set up an integral. Approximate it
as a sequence of short steps as in the picture. Betweentkandtk+1the force is essentiallyF(tk). The response
ofmto this piece of the total force is then

xk(t) =

mω 0 sin


ω 0 (t−tk)


(t > tk)
0 (t≤tk)



t (^1) t 2 t^5

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