Mathematical Tools for Physics

(coco) #1
4—Differential Equations 104

When you plug this into the differential equations for the masses, all the factors ofeαtcancel, just the way it
happens in the one variable case.

m 1 α^2 A=−k 1 A−k 3 (A−B), and m 2 α^2 B=−k 2 B−k 3 (B−A) (28)

Rearrange these to put them into a neater form.

k 1 +k 3 +m 1 α^2




−k 3


B= 0


−k 3 )A+


k 2 +k 3 +m 2 α^2


B= 0 (29)

The results of problem1.23and of section4.7tell you all about such equations. In particular, for the pair
of equationsax+by= 0andcx+dy= 0, the only way to have a non-zero solution forxandyis for the
determinant of the coefficients to be zero:ad−bc= 0. Apply this result to the problem at hand. EitherA= 0
andB= 0with a trivial solutionorthe determinant is zero.

(k 1 +k 3 +m 1 α^2


k 2 +k 3 +m 2 α^2


−(k 3

) 2

= 0 (30)

This is a quadratic equation forα^2 , and it determines the frequencies of the oscillation. Note the plural in the
word frequencies.
Equation ( 30 ) is only a quadratic, but it’s still messy. For a first example, try a special, symmetric case:
m 1 =m 2 =mandk 1 =k 2. There’s a lot less algebra.

(k 1 +k 3 +mα^2

) 2

−(k 3

) 2

= 0 (31)

You could use the quadratic formula on this, but why? It’s already set up to be factored.

(k 1 +k 3 +mα^2 −k 3 )(k 1 +k 3 +mα^2 +k 3 ) = 0

The product is zero, so one or the other factors is zero. These determineα.

α^21 =−

k 1

and α^22 =−

k 1 + 2k 3


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