Mathematical Tools for Physics

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5—Fourier Series 139

5.19 In the calculation leading to Eq. ( 31 ) I assumed thatf(t)is real and then used the properties ofanthat
followed from that fact. Instead, make no assumption about the reality off(t)and compute




Show that it leads to the same result as before,


5.20 The series


ancosnθ (|a|<1)

represents a function. Sum this series and determine what the function is. While you’re about it, sum the similar
series that has a sine instead of a cosine. Don’t try to do these separately; combine them and do them as one
problem. And check some limiting cases of course. Ans:asinθ/


1 +a^2 − 2 acosθ


5.21 Apply Parseval’s theorem to problem 9 and see what you can deduce.

5.22 If you take all the elementsunof a basis and multiply each of them by 2, what happens to the result for
the Fourier series for a given function?

5.23 In the section5.3several bases are mentioned. Sketch a few terms of each basis.

5.24 A function is specified on the interval 0 < t < T to be

f(t) =


1 ( 0 < t < t 0 )
0 (t 0 < t < T)
0 < t 0 < T

On this interval, choose boundary conditions such that the left side of the basic identity ( 12 ) is zero. Use the
corresponding choice of basis functions to writefas a Fourier series on this interval.

5.25 Show that the boundary conditionsu(0) = 0andαu(L) +βu′(L) = 0make the bilinear concomitant in
Eq. ( 12 ) vanish. Are there any restrictions onαandβ?

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