Mathematical Tools for Physics

(coco) #1
6—Vector Spaces 165

6.26 Verify that Eq. ( 12 ) does satisfy the requirements for a scalar product.

6.27 A variation on problem 15 : f 3 =f 1 +f 2 means
(a)f 3 (x) =Af 1 (x−a) +Bf 2 (x−b)for fixeda,b,A,B. For what values of these constants is this a vector
(b) Now what aboutf 3 (x) =f 1 (x^3 ) +f 2 (x^3 )?

6.28 Determine if these are vector spaces:
(1) Pairs of numbers with addition defined as(x 1 ,x 2 )+(y 1 ,y 2 ) = (x 1 +y 2 ,x 2 +y 1 )and multiplication by scalars
asc(x 1 ,x 2 ) = (cx 1 ,cx 2 ).
(2) Like example 2 of section6.3, but restricted to thosefsuch thatf(x)≥ 0. (real scalars)
(3) Like the preceding line, but define addition as(f+g)(x) =f(x)g(x)and(cf)(x) =




6.29 Do the same calculation as in problem 7 , but use the scalar product



∫ 1


x^2 dxf*(x)g(x)

6.30 Show that the following is a scalar product.







f*(x)g(x) +λf*′(x)g′(x)


whereλis a constant. What restrictions if any must you place onλ? The name Sobolev is associated with this
scalar product.

6.31 With the scalar product of problem 29 , find the angle between the vectors 1 andx. Here I use the word
angle in the sense ofA~.B~=ABcosθ. What is the angle if you use the scalar product of problem 7? Ans: 14. 48 ◦

6.32 In the online text linked on the second page of this chapter, you will find that section two of chapter three
has enough additional problems to keep you happy.

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