Mathematical Tools for Physics

(coco) #1
1—Basic Stuff 13

a b
x 1 x 2

ξ 1 ξ 2 ξN

  1. PickN− 1 points betweenaandb. Call themx 1 ,x 2 , etc.

a=x 0 < x 1 < x 2 <···< xN− 1 < xN=b

where for convenience I label the endpoints asx 0 andxN. For the sketch ,N= 8.

  1. Let∆xk=xk−xk− 1. That is,

∆x 1 =x 1 −x 0 , ∆x 2 =x 2 −x 1 ,···

  1. In each of theN subintervals, pick one point at which the function will be evaluated. I’ll label these points
    by the Greek letterξ. (That’s the Greek version of “x.”)

xk− 1 ≤ξk≤xk
x 0 ≤ξ 1 ≤x 1 , x 1 ≤ξ 2 ≤x 2 ,···

  1. Form the sum that is an approximation to the final answer.

f(ξ 1 )∆x 1 +f(ξ 2 )∆x 2 +f(ξ 3 )∆x 3 +···

  1. Finally, take the limit as all the∆xk → 0 and necessarily then, asN → ∞. These six steps form the

∆xk→ 0






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