Mathematical Tools for Physics

(coco) #1
12—Tensors 388

As in Eq. ( 36 ), the transformation matrices for the direct and the reciprocal basis are inverses of each other,
In the present context, this becomes













The matrices∂xi


∂yjand its inverse matrix,∂yk


∂xiare called Jacobian matrices. When you do multiple
integrals and have to change coordinates, the determinant of one or the other of these matrices will appear as a
factor in the integral.
As an example, compute the change from rectangular to polar coordinates

x^1 =x y^1 =r x^2 =y y^2 =θ
x=rcosθ r=

x^2 +y^2 y=rsinθ θ= tan−^1 y/x



~e′ 1 =~e 1


+~e 2






~e′ 2 =~e 1


+~e 2





=xˆ(−rsinθ) +ˆy(rcosθ) =rθˆ
Knowing the change in the basis vectors, the change of the components of any tensor follows as before as
it did after Eq. ( 34 ).
A realistic example using non-orthonormal bases appears in special relativity. Here the manifold is four
dimensional instead of three and the coordinate changes of interest represent Lorentz transformations. Points in

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