13—Vector Calculus 2 414
13.14 For the vector field in thex-yplane:F~=
/ 2 , use Stokes’ theorem to compute the line integral
ofF~.d~raround an arbitrary closed curve. What is the significance of the sign of the result?
13.15 What is the (closed) surface integral ofF~=~r/ 3 over an arbitrary closed surface?
13.16 What is the (closed) surface integral ofF~=~r/ 3 over an arbitrary closed surface? This time however, the
surface integral uses the cross product:
dA~×F~. If in doubt, try drawing the picture for a special case first.
13.17 Refer to Eq. ( 22 ) and check it for smallθ 0. Notice what the combinationπ(Rθ 0 )^2 is.
13.18 For the vector field Eq. ( 23 ) explicitly show that
~v.d~ris zero for a curve such as that in
the picture and that it is not for a circle going around the singularity.
13.19 For the same vector field, Eq. ( 23 ), use Eq. ( 24 ) to try to construct a potential function.
Because within a certain domain the integralisindependent of path, you can pick the most convenient
possible path, the one that makes the integration easiest. What goes wrong?
13.20 Refer to problem9.33and construct the solutions by integration, using the methods of this chapter.
13.21 Evaluate
F~.d~r forF~=Axxyˆ +Bˆy xaround the circle of radiusRcentered at the origin. (b) Do it
again, using Stokes’ theorem this time.
13.22 Same as the preceding problem, but
13.23 Use the same field as the preceding two problems and evaluate the surface integral ofF~.dA~over the
hemispherical surfacex^2 +y^2 +z^2 =R^2 , z > 0.
13.24 The same field and surface as the preceding problem, but now the surface integraldA~×F~. Ans:zˆ 2 πBr^3 / 3
13.25 Prove the identity∇.
=B~.∇×A~−A~.∇×B~. (index mechanics?)
(b) Apply Gauss’s theorem to∇.
and take the special case thatB~is a constant to derive Eq. ( 15 ).