13—Vector Calculus 2 416
13.31 Derive the analog of Reynolds’ transport theorem for a line integral around a closed loop.
13.32 There are transport theorems for other combinations.
φ(~r,t)dA~ (b)
13.33 Apply Eq. ( 33 ) to the velocity field itself. Suppose further the the fluid is incompressible with∇.~v= 0
and that the flow is stationary (no time dependence). Explain the results.
13.34 Assume that the Earth’s atmosphere obeys the density equationρ=ρ 0 e−z/hfor a heightz above the
surface. (a) Through what amount of air does sunlight have to travel when coming from straight overhead? Take
the measure of this to be
ρds(called the “air mass”). (b) Through what amount of air does sunlight have to
travel when coming from just on the horizon at sunset? Neglect the fact that light will refract in the atmosphere
and that the path in the second case won’t really be a straight line. Takeh= 10km and the radius of the Earth
to be 6400 km. The integral you get for the second case is probably not familiar. You may evaluate it numerically
for the numbers that I stated, or you may look it up in a big table of integrals such as Gradshteyn and Ryzhik, or
you may use an approximation,hR. What is the numerical value of the ratio of these two air mass integrals?
This goes far in explaining why you can look at the setting sun.
If refraction in the atmosphere is included, does the ratio increase or decrease? Ans:≈ 36.
13.35 Work in a thermodynamic system is calculated fromdW=PdV. Assume an ideal gas, so P
thatPV =nRT. What is the total work,
dW, done around this cycle as the pressure increases at
constant volume, then decreases at constant temperature, finally the volume decreases at constant
(b) In the special case for which the changes in volume and pressure are very small, estimate from
the graph approximately what to expect for the answer. Now do an expansion of the result of
part (a) to see if it agrees with what you expect. Ans:≈∆P∆V/ 2