Mathematical Tools for Physics

(coco) #1
Index 472

erf, 8 , 24, 28, 348
error function, 8 , 24, 25, 58
essential singularity, 423 , 445
Euclidean fit, 338, 353
constant, 25
formula 68, 70, 76, 433
method 329, 330, 331, 344, 352
extrapolation, 348

Faraday, 411
Florida, 217, 288
equilibrium, 277
expansion 254, 256
flow 253
flow rate 248, 249, 277
rotating 254
focus of lens, 62
focus of mirror, 63
Fourier series, 33, 118, 120–133, 148, 155,
160, 286–307, 451
bases 122
basis 156
best fit 228
does it work? 128
fundamental theorem 123
square wave 121
Fourier sine, cosine, 462
Fourier transform, 451– 452 , 462
frames, 148
frequency, 456
Frobenius series, 33, 92 –95, 112

function, 205, 380, 381, 392, 426
df210, 211
addition 143
composition 392
definition of 147, 355
elementary 8, 9, 30
linear 172
operator 168
functional, 356 –375
3-linear 371
bilinear 359, 360, 366, 368, 370
multilinear 358
n-linear 359
representation 356, 368, 374
fundamental theorem of calculus, 14
Gamma function, 8 –9, 25, 41
gauge integral, 19
Gauss, 337, 442
Gauss’s Theorem, 401
Gaussian, 41, 44, 454, 457
Gaussian integrals, 6 –8, 24, 42
Gaussian integration, 328–329, 348, 350
generating function, 116
geometric optics, 236, 239
geometric series, 30, 38, 45
Gibbs phenomenon, 121, 134
Google, 199
gradient, 216 –219, 226, 263, 277, 384, 386,
401, 405
covariant components 384
cylindrical coordinates 226
spherical coordinates 226
Gram-Schmidt, 156 , 160, 166
graphs, 21–23
grating, 78
gravitational energy, 278
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