The Order
You're working in a large company, and an executive above
you gives an order that bothers you. What do you do?
(A) The very fact that the executive is above you indicates that
the order is correct, and you carry it out.
(B) You talk over the order with the executive, discuss the
pros and cons, and finally agree to carry it out.
(C) You're not at all sure this is the best way to handle the
situation. You tell this to the executive. "Now this is the
way I would do it.. ."
Like the other tests, the (C) reaction is the one that indicates
the highest power potential. If it's the way you think you would
act, then the indication is that you have good leadership qualities.
You're willing to take chances, and you know how to handle people
and how to react when you are in charge. The (A) reaction is an
indication that you wouldn't be comfortable as a leader. If you
fall into the (B) category, you can either take leadership or leave
it alone.
The important thing about all these tests and the categories
they indicate is that men and women don't come in standard black-
and-white models. They are available in all shades of gray. They
can have a small drive toward power, a moderate drive, no drive
at all, or an overwhelming drive—and they are all prone to change.
Sometimes a taste of power shoots one from the (A) to (C) category
and to an abuse of it; or someone who has thrived on power may