Government Finance Statistics Manual 2014

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Th is chapter describes the other economic fl ows that are
recorded in the government fi nance statistics frame-
work. Th e two major categories are holding gains and
losses and other changes in the volume of assets.


10.1 Other economic fl ows are changes in the
volume or value of assets or liabilities that do not re-
sult from transactions. Th is chapter describes the two
major categories of other economic fl ows that change
net worth:

  • A holding gain or loss^1 is a change in the mon-
    etary value of an asset or liability resulting from
    changes in the level and structure of prices, ex-
    cluding qualitative or quantitative changes in the
    asset or liability. Holding gains and losses can
    apply to almost all assets and liabilities and, in
    the case of assets and liabilities expressed in a for-
    eign currency, include gains and losses resulting
    from changes in exchange rates.^2

  • Other changes in the volume of assets are any
    changes in the value of an asset or liability that do
    not result from a transaction or a holding gain.
    Other changes in the volume of assets result from
    events that change the quantity or quality of an
    existing asset, events that add a new asset to the
    balance sheet or delete an existing asset from the
    balance sheet, and events that require a reclassifi -
    cation of existing assets.

(^1) Revaluation may also be used with the same meaning as holding
gain or loss.
(^2) A holding gain or loss always aff ects net worth. Th e words gain
and loss are used in reference to the direction of the change in
net worth. A fl ow that increases the value of an asset or decreases
the value of a liability will increase net worth and is referred to
as a holding gain. A fl ow that decreases the value of an asset or
increases the value of a liability will decrease net worth and is
a holding loss. References to fi nancial assets can be assumed to
refer also to liabilities.

Other Economic Flows


Table 10.1 Statement of Other Economic Flows
9 Change in net worth due to other economic
fl ows
91 Nonfi nancial assets
92 Financial assets
93 Liabilities
4 Change in net worth due to holding gains and
41 Nonfi nancial assets
42 Financial assets
43 Liabilities
5 Change in net worth due to other changes in
the volume of assets and liabilities
51 Nonfi nancial assets
52 Financial assets
53 Liabilities
Note: See Table 10.2 for a detailed classifi cation of other economic
fl ows.

10.2 Other economic fl ows are recorded in a State-
ment of Other Economic Flows; an abbreviated ver-
sion is shown in Table 10.1. Th e balancing item to
this statement is described as the change in net worth
due to other economic fl ows, which is defi ned as the
sum of the change in net worth due to holding gains
or losses and the change in net worth due to other
changes in the volume of assets.

  • Th e balancing item change in net worth due to
    holding gains (or revaluations) is defi ned as the
    sum of the positive or negative holding gains on
    all assets and liabilities.

  • Th e balancing item change in net worth due to
    other changes in the volume of assets is defi ned
    as the sum of the positive and negative other
    changes in the volume of assets and liabilities.

10.3 Many other economic fl ows change both the
value of an asset or a liability and the value of net
worth by the same amount. For example, holding
gains that lead to an increase in the value of assets
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