Government Finance Statistics Manual 2014

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248 Government Finance Statistics Manual 2014

Table 10.2 Classifi cation of Other Economic Flows (concluded)
Holding gains
and losses

Other changes in
the volume of assets

Total other
economic fl ows
Other accounts receivable 4208 5208 9208
Trade credit and advances 42081 52081 92081
Miscellaneous other accounts receivable 42082 52082 92082
Domestic debtors 421 521 921
Same instrument breakdown as above, but excluding
monetary gold

4212–4218 5212–5218 9212–9218

External debtors 422 522 922
Same instrument breakdown as above 4221–4228 5221–5228 9221–9228
Liabilities 43 53 93
Special Drawing Rights (SDRs) 4301 5301 9301
Currency and deposits 4302 5302 9302
Debt securities 4303 5303 9303
Loans 4304 5304 9304
Equity and investment fund shares 4305 5305 9305
Equity 43051 53051 93051
Investment fund shares or units 43052 53052 93052
Insurance, pension, and standardized guarantee schemes [GFS] 4306 5306 9306
Nonlife insurance technical reserves 43061 53061 93061
Life insurance and annuities entitlements 43062 53062 93062
Pension entitlements [GFS] 43063 53063 93063
Claims of pension funds on pension manager 43064 53064 93064
Provisions for calls under standardized guarantee schemes 43065 53065 93065
Financial derivatives and employee stock options 4307 5307 9307
Financial derivatives 43071 53071 93071
Employee stock options 43072 53072 93072
Other accounts payable 4308 5308 9308
Trade credit and advances 43081 53081 93081
Miscellaneous other accounts payable 43082 53082 93082
Domestic creditors 431 531 931
Same instrument breakdown as above 4312–4318 5312–5318 9312–9318
External creditors 432 532 932
Same instrument breakdown as above 4321–4328 5321–5328 9321–9328

category of assets must equal the opening balance
sheet value plus the net value of transactions, other
changes in the volume of assets, and holding gains
that aff ect that category of assets or liabilities. If the
information available on balance sheets, transac-
tions, and other changes in the volume of assets is
complete and accurate, then the net value of holding
gains can be calculated to complete the identity. Th is
formulation does not imply that the value of holding
gains is a residual item—even if estimated this way,
the results should always be carefully examined and
10.11 For some analytic purposes, it may be desir-
able to divide the total value of holding gains accruing

on a category of assets or liabilities into neutral and
real holding gains.

  • Neutral holding gains and losses over a period
    are the increase (decrease) in the value of an asset
    that would be required, in the absence of transac-
    tions and other changes in the volume of assets,
    to maintain command over the same amount of
    goods and services as at the beginning of the pe-
    riod. It is the value needed to preserve the real
    value of the asset.

  • A real holding gain is defi ned as the value ac-
    cruing to an asset as a result of a change in its
    price relative to the prices of goods and services
    in general. An increase in the relative price of an

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