Government Finance Statistics Manual 2014

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400 Government Finance Statistics Manual 2014

Debit entry A debit entry is an increase in an asset, a decrease in a liability, or a decrease in
net worth...................................................................................................................................3.55
Debt assumption Debt assumption is a trilateral agreement between a creditor, a former debtor,
and a new debtor (typically a government unit), under which the new debtor
assumes the former debtor’s outstanding liability to the creditor, and is liable
for repayment of debt ........................................................................................A3.26
Debt conversion (swap) Debt conversion (swap) is an exchange of debt—typically at a discount—for a
nondebt claim (such as equity), or for counterpart funds that can be used to
fi nance a particular project or policy ..............................................................A3.20
Debt forgiveness (or debt

Debt forgiveness (or debt cancellation) is defi ned as the voluntary cancellation
of all or part of a debt obligation within a contractual arrangement between a
creditor and a debtor ...........................................................................................A3.7
Debt payments on behalf of

Rather than assuming a debt, a public sector unit may decide to repay that debt
or make a specifi c payment on behalf of another institutional unit (original
debtor), without a guarantee being called or the debt being taken over ....A3.30
Debt prepayment Debt prepayment consists of a repurchase, or early payment, of debt at condi-
tions that are agreed between the debtor and the creditor ..........................A3.24
Debt refi nancing Debt refi nancing involves the replacement of an existing debt instrument or
instruments, including any arrears, with a new debt instrument or instru-
ments .................................................................................................................. A3.14
Debt reorganization
(also referred to as debt

Debt reorganization (also referred to as debt restructuring) is defi ned as an
arrangement involving both the creditor and the debtor (and sometimes third
parties) that alters the terms established for servicing an existing debt ......A3.2
Debt rescheduling Debt rescheduling is a bilateral arrangement between the debtor and the credi-
tor that constitutes a formal postponement of debt service payments and the
application of new and generally extended maturities .................................A3.11
Debt securities Debt securities are negotiable fi nancial instruments serving as evidence of a
debt ...................................................................................................................... 7.14 3
Debt write-offs or

Debt write-off s or write-downs refer to unilateral reductions by a creditor, of
the amount owed to it .......................................................................................A3.32
Deep-discount bonds Deep-discount bonds are long-term securities that require periodic coupon
payments during the life of the instrument, but the amount is substantially
below the market rate of interest at issuance ................................................. 7.147
Defeasance With defeasance, a debtor unit removes liabilities from its balance sheet by
pairing them with fi nancial assets, the income and value of which are suffi cient
to ensure that all debt-service payments are met ..........................................A3.37
Defi ned-benefi t pension

A defi ned-benefi t pension scheme is one where the benefi ts payable to an em-
ployee on retirement are determined by the use of a formula, either alone or as
a minimum amount payable ............................................................................A2.54
Defi ned-contribution pen-
sion scheme

A defi ned-contribution pension scheme is one where the benefi ts payable to
an employee on retirement are defi ned exclusively in terms of the level of the
funds built up from the contributions made over the employee’s working life
and the increases in value that result from the investment of these funds by the
manager of the scheme .....................................................................................A2.55
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