Government Finance Statistics Manual 2014

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418 Government Finance Statistics Manual 2014

Transfers not elsewhere clas-
sifi ed (payable)

Transfers not elsewhere classifi ed payable include a number of gift s and transfers
to individuals, private nonprofi t institutions, nongovernmental foundations, cor-
porations, or government units that are not included in other categories of trans-
fers, and serving quite diff erent purposes ............................................................6.122
Transfers not elsewhere clas-
sifi ed (receivable)

Transfers not elsewhere classifi ed receivable include subsidies, as well as gift s and
transfers from individuals, private nonprofi t institutions, nongovernmental foun-
dations, corporations, or sources other than governments and international orga-
nizations ....................................................................................................................5.145
Transport equipment Transport equipment consists of equipment for moving people and objects ...7.54
True-sale securitization True-sale securitization involves debt securities issued by a securitization unit
where the underlying assets have been transferred from the original asset owner’s
(i.e., the originator’s) balance sheet to that of the securitization unit .............A3.62
Turnover and other general
taxes on goods and services

Turnover and other general taxes on goods and services are multistage cumulative
taxes and taxes where elements of consumption taxes are combined with multi-
stage taxes ...................................................................................................................5.60
Unallocated gold accounts Unallocated gold accounts represent a claim against the account custodian to de-
liver gold ...................................................................................................................7.127
Unearned premium Th e unearned premium is the amount of the actual premium received that relates
to the period past the reporting period ...............................................................A4.75
Unrealized holding gain An unrealized holding gain is one accruing on an asset that is still owned or a li-
ability that is still outstanding at the end of the reporting period ......................10.6
Valuables Valuables are produced assets of considerable value that are not used primarily for
purposes of production or consumption, but are held primarily as stores of value
over time ............................................................................................................7.18, 7.87
Valuation of stock positions Stock positions should be valued at market value—that is, as if they were ac-
quired in market transactions on the balance sheet reporting date (reference
date) ...........................................................................................................................3.113
Value of goodwill and mar-
keting assets

Th e value of goodwill and marketing assets is the diff erence between the value
paid for an enterprise as a going concern and the sum of its assets minus the
sum of its liabilities, each item of which has been separately identifi ed and
valued ........................................................................................................................7.116
Value-added taxes Value-added taxes (VAT) are taxes on goods or services collected in stages by en-
terprises but ultimately charged in full to the fi nal purchasers ...........................5.58
Wages and salaries Wages and salaries are compensation of employees payable in cash and/or in kind,
except for social contributions payable by employers ..........................................6.12
Wages and salaries in cash Wages and salaries in cash are the amounts payable in cash, or any other fi nancial
instruments used as means of payments, to employees in return for work per-
formed .........................................................................................................................6.13
Wages and salaries in kind Wages and salaries in kind are amounts payable in the form of goods, services, inter-
est forgone, and shares issued to employees in return for work performed......... 6.17
Water resources Water resources consist of surface and groundwater resources used for extrac-
tion to the extent that their scarcity leads to the enforcement of ownership or use
rights, market valuation, and some measure of economic control ...................7.102
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