Government Finance Statistics Manual 2014

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422 Index

Asset management companies. See
Restructuring agencies
analytic framework, 1.34
appearance or disappearance of,
classifi cation of, 4.43–4.44, 7.34,
Table A8.3
defi nition of, 3.42–3.43, 7.6, 7.14–7.19
economic, 3.43, 4.43, 7.5–7.10
eff ect of external events on value of,
fi nancial, 3.43, 3.48
leases as, A4.53–A4.57, Box A4.3
liquidity-related, 4.31
nationalization of, 9.55, Box 4.1
net presentation of, 3.143–3.151
nonfi nancial, 3.43, 3.50
other changes in the volume of,
3.35, 4.10
other economic fl ows of, 3.31
ownership concepts and, 3.38–3.41,
permits recognized as, A4.46–A4.52
policy-related, Box 4.1, 4.30
privatization, 9.53–9.54
reclassifi cation of institutional unit
resulting in change in value of,
reclassifi cation of, 3.101–3.102,
rent versus sale of, A4.21, Box A4.1
shared, A4.36–A4.40
stock positions of, 3.1, 3.36
time of recording, 3.88–3.97
valuation of, 1.29, 3.107,
3.111–3.117, 7.20–7.33
See also Financial assets and liabili-
ties; Fixed assets; Nonproduced

Bad banks. See Restructuring agencies
Bailout operations, A3.42–A3.53
Bail, 5.144, 7.226
Balance of Payments and International
Investment Position Manual
(BPM6), 1.8, 1.35, 2.89, A3.52, A7.5
government fi nance statistics frame-
work and, A7.73–A7.98
Balance sheet, Table 4.4, Table 7.1
accounting principles, 3.56

appearance or disappearance of
existing economic assets from,
arrears in, 7.247–7.250
as condition to be a separate institu-
tional unit, 2.126
classifi cation of assets in, 4.43–4.44
classifi cation of counterparties
to fi nancial relationships in,
7.264–7.265, Table 7.11
classifi cation of debt liabilities and
corresponding fi nancial assets by
maturity, 7.266–7.271, Table 7.12
classifi cation of fi nancial assets
and liabilities in, 4.43–4.45,
classifi cation of fi xed assets in,
7.34–7.74, Tables 7.2–7.5
classifi cation of nonfi nancial assets
in, 7.34–7.117, Table 7.2
classifi cation of nonproduced assets
in, 7.90–7.117, Table 7.2
concessional loans in, 7.246, A3.40
contingent assets and liabilities
in, 7.13. See also balance sheet
memorandum items
cost of ownership transfer, 8.42,
Figure 8.1
defi nition of, 1.17, 3.56, 4.39, 7.1
deriving defi nitions of assets and
liabilities for, 3.43, 7.6, 7.14–7.19
explicit contingent liabilities in,
7.13, 7.251–7.260
fi scal indicators available from, 7.2,
fundamental identity of, 3.54
gross debt in, 7.236–7.242
implicit obligations for future social
security benefi ts in, 7.13, 7.261, 9.67
in analytic framework of GFSM
2014 , 4.3, 4.6, 4.8, Figure 4.1,
A7.21, A7.72
in government fi nance statistics
framework, 1.30. See also balance
sheet in analytic framework of
GFSM 2014
in implementation of the GFS
framework, 1.38
integration of, 1.20, 3.2, 7.2, 8.2, 9.2,
memorandum items, 3.49, 4.47,
7.142, 7.234–7.263, Table 7.10

net debt in, 7.243–7.245
net fi nancial worth in, 7.235
net worth calculation in, 4.39,
7.228–7.333, A6.48, Figure 7.1,
Table 4.4
nonperforming loan assets in,
ownership and asset boundary in,
purpose of, 7.2
recording of net worth in, 7.1
recording of PPP-related assets in,
recording of shared assets in, A4.37
recording of stock positions in, 3.36
time of recording/compilation, 3.57,
7.1, 7.37
valuation of assets and liabilities for,
3.107, 3.113, 7.20–7.33, 7.122
Balancing items
analytical signifi cance of, 4.39,
consolidation and, 3.166
defi nition of, 3.142
in government fi nance statistics
frame work, 1.1, 1.11, 1.32, 3.151,
See also Financial Net Worth and
Net worth
Banker’s acceptance, 7.145
Barter transactions, 3.19, 3.22, 3.88,
3.112, 3.125, 4.23–4.24, 4.35,
Below-the-line transactions, 4.53,
Table 4A.1
as discounted fi nancial instruments,
6.71, 9.40
banker’s acceptance of, 7.145
defi nition of, 7.144
holding gains or losses on, 10.29
types of, 7.144
valuation of, 7.27, 7.154
Biological resources
cultivated, 7.58–7.63, 8.34–8.36,
Table 7.5
noncultivated, 7.101, 8.55, 10.52
consolidation of, 3.152
defi nition of, 7.146–7.147
discounted, 6.71, 9.40
holding gains or losses on, 10.27
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