Government Finance Statistics Manual 2014

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Index 427

employment-related pension, 2.102,
5.95, 5.116, 7.189, 9.63, 10.36,
10.41, 10.72
life insurance and annuities, 9.62,
payments as transfer transactions,
social benefi t, 6.22, A2.38
to future goods and services, 7.112,
Environmental-economic accounting,
Environmental groups, 2.61
Environmental taxes, A7.115–A7.121,
Tables 5.2–5.5
as assets of general government,
2.48, 2.59
capital injections resulting in,
A3.47–A3.49, Figure A3.2, A3.53,
classifi cation of, 7.166–7.170,
consolidation of, 3.164
conversions, 7.150, 9.43, 10.84
debt assumption resulting in, A3.28,
Figure A3.1
debt-for-equity swaps, A3.5, A3.21,
defi ning features of, 7.164, 7.165
evidence of ownership, 7.166
fi nancial claims/instruments, 3.49,
4.28, 7.15, Box 6.3
holding gains or losses on,
liabilities of general government,
membership fees as, 6.42
net worth versus, 4.40, 7.173,
7.228–7.229, A6.48, Figure 7.1
nonprofi t institutional units, 2.37
notional resident units, 2.13
own funds versus, 7.231–7.232
policy lending, 4.30, Box 4.1
property income on, 5.90, 5.111,
reclassifi cation of assets into, 10.77,
recorded according to accounting
standards, A6.32–A6.33,

special purpose entities, A3.56–A3.57
valuation of, 7.166, 7.171–7.173,
withdrawals of, 5.90, 5.115, 6.112
Establishment(s), 2.24, 2.34, 2.75, 2.98,
2.124, 2.127
Estate taxes, 5.51
European Union, A5.20, Box A5.1
Exchange rates
changes in value of securities due to
changes in, 10.1, 10.26
government fi nance accounting
rules, 3.132–3.133
holding gains or losses from
changes in, 3.33, 10.44, A7.95
multiple rate regimes, 5.89
role in credit derivatives, 7.218
subsidies in offi cial system of, 6.89
taxes on exchange transactions and
profi ts, 5.88–5.91
use of, in recording currency swaps,
valuation of transactions expressed
in foreign currency, 3.119, 9.11,
as determinant of market prices, 3.108
as monetary transaction, 3.9
combined with transfers, 3.11, 3.123
of fi nancial assets and liabilities,
3.44, 5.8, 6.5, 7.119, 9.3, A3.5
Excise taxes, 5.55, 5.57, 5.62, 5.71,
5.84, 5.96
Ex-dividend shares, 3.87, 5.112, 6.109,
Expenditure, 3.7, 4.21, 4.53, 5.28, 6.32,
Table 4.1, Table 4.2, Table 4A.1
accounting rules for recording,
accrued expense versus cash fl ow
expense, 4.35
classifi cation of, 1.21, 6.1–6.3,
6.8, 6.126, Table 4.2, Table 4.2,
Table 6.1, Table A8.2, Table A8.6.
See also Classifi cation of Func-
tions of Government (COFOG)
collection fees as, 5.35
consolidation of, 3.162, 3.165
defi nition of, 4.16, 4.24, 6.1
excluded transactions, 4.24, 5.44,

fi scal indicators using, 4.53, 4.55,
4.57, Table 4A.1, Table 4A.2
gross/net recording of, 3.143–3.151
in government fi nance statistics
framework, 1.33, 4.16, Figure 4.1
major types of, 4.24
of regional organizations, A5.29–
payable tax credits as, 5.31
refunds of, 6.4
time of recording of, 3.77–3.92,
3.104, 6.6–6.7
valuation of, 3.107–3.112
See also respective categories of
expense such as Compensation
of employees; Interest expense;
Property expense
Export taxes, 5.85. See also Taxes on
Extrabudgetary units, 2.41–2.44, 2.80,
2.82–2.83, 2.87, 2.93, Figure 2.3

Face value, 3.115, 3.117, 7.144, A3.16
gross debt at, 7.238, 7.242, Table 7.10
Fair value, 3.115, 7.142, 7.163, 7.204,
7.223, 7.262, 9.55, A3.52,
A4.12, A6.27–A6.30, Box A6.1,
Table 7.10
Fees and licenses
classifi cation of revenue from, 5.138
for business operations, 5.81, A4.42
for fi nancial protection schemes,
for goods and services, 5.136, 6.30
not commensurate with the control
function of government, 5.72
other taxes on use of goods and per-
mission to use goods or perform
activities, 5.81
standardized guarantee schemes,
5.149, 6.125, 9.57
taxes versus, 5.73–5.75
Financial account, A7.68–A7.69,
A7.93–A7.94, Figure A7.1,
Table A7.2
Financial assets and liabilities
accounting identity, 9.2
arrears of, 9.20–9.23
changes in classifi cation of, 9.35,
changes in volume of, 10.57, 10.63
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