Government Finance Statistics Manual 2014

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Index 431

Gross operating balance, 4.20,
Table 4.1, Table 4A.1
Gross saving, A7.54, Table 4A.1
classifi cation of, 3.49
contingent liabilities and, 7.253,
Figure 7.2
control established through, Box 2.2
in the GFS framework, 3.49, 4.15,
Table 4.6
one-off , 7.255–7.260
risks associated with, 1.4, 1.19,
standardized schemes. See Stan-
dardized guarantee schemes

Historic cost, 3.115
Holding companies, 2.128
Holding gains and losses
as economic benefi t, 3.37
calculation of holding gains,
changes in net worth due to, 4.37
changes in value excluded from
classifi cation as, 10.8
classifi cation codes, 10.4, Table A8.3
consumption of fi xed capital in esti-
mation of, 6.68, 10.13–10.14
continuous accrual of, 3.34. See also
Time of recording
defi nition of, 3.33, 4.10, 10.1
in the GFS framework, 4.10, 4.46,
10.2, Table 4.5, Table 10.1
measuring, 10.9–10.10
net presentation of, 3.149
neutral and real, 10.11
on debt instruments that do not
accrue interest, 10.45
on debt securities, 10.24–10.29
on employee stock options, 10.43
on equity, 10.30–10.33
on fi nancial assets denominated in
foreign currencies, 10.44
on fi nancial assets with fi xed mon-
etary values, 10.23
on fi nancial derivatives, 10.42
on fi xed assets, 10.13–10.15
on insurance, pension, and stan-
dardized guarantee schemes,
on inventories, 10.16–10.17

on investment fund shares, 10.34
on monetary gold, 10.21
on nonfi nancial assets, 10.19–10.20
on special drawing rights, 10.22
on valuables, 10.18
realized and unrealized, 10.6–10.7,
recording of, 10.5
time of recording, 3.33–3.34,
3.99–3.100, 3.127, 10.7, 10.12
valuation of, 3.127, 10.9–10.10
Hospital buildings, 7.47
as institutional household, 2.28
as nonprofi t institutions, 2.37, 2.97,
as market producers, 2.114, 2.127
as types of institutional units, 2.27
defi nition of, 2.28
economic sector, 2.60, Figure 2.2
income taxes, 5.41
multiperson, 2.29
nonprofi t institutions serving. See
Nonprofi t institutions serving
relation to other sectors, Figure 2.1
subsidies to, in capacity as produc-
ers, 6.86

Implementation of GFSM 2014
challenges using accrual basis
accounting in, 3.75
consideration of local circumstances
in, 1.36–1.37
consolidation process, 3.165–3.166
good data dissemination practices
in, 1.39
institutional and legal structures of
government and, 1.5
in monetary unions, A5.38–A5.40
sequence of, 1.38
Implicit transfers resulting from loans
at concessional interest rates,
7.246, 9.12, Table 7.10
Import duties, 3.81, 5.84, A5.12,
Table 5.5
Incidental sales, 5.139, A5.9, A5.27,
Table 5.10
Income accounts, A7.31–A7.61,

Income taxes
classifi cation and recording of,
5.42–5.44, Table 5.2
defi nition and scope of, 5.41
refunds, 3.145
time of recording, 3.82–3.83, 5.12,
5.15, 5.43
withheld from employees, 6.12
Index-linked debt/securities/loans,
6.75–6.83, 7.153, 9.41–9.42,
Indirect taxes, 5.9, Table 4A.1
Individual goods and services,
6.133–6.139, A7.60
Information, computer, and telecom-
munication equipment, 7.52,
7.56, Table 7.4
Infrastructure companies/funds,
2.160–2, 162
Infrastructure construction/assets,
7.11, 7.48
Inheritance taxes, 5.51
In kind transactions, 3.19–3.21
barter, 3.22
diff erence in GFS and SNA treatment
of, Box A7.1
employee compensation. See Remu-
grants, 5.5, 5.104–5.105, 6.94
payments other than remuneration,
remuneration, 3.23, 5.140, 6.35.
See also Wages and salaries,
social benefi ts, 2.101, 6.39–6.40,
6.100–6.101, 6.104, A7.48
transfers, 3.16, 3.25
types of, 3.21
valuation, 3.121–3.123
wages and salaries, 6.17–6.18,
Table 6.2
Institutional sectors
defi nition of, 2.50
fi nancial corporations, 2.53–2.57
general government, 2.58–2.59
households, 2.60
institutional units and relationship
to, 2.51, Figure 2.1
nonfi nancial corporations, 2.52
nonprofi t institutions serving
households, 2.61
subsectors of, 2.62
types of, 2.50
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