
(coco) #1

plants into two sections in order to see how
good your guesswork was when you do finally
identify sex. The other thing to know is that
male plants in general start to pre-flower
before females. If you have taller plants that
are producing new growths before the smaller
ones, then the taller plants are probably male.

Second Early Sexing Method.

A good way to identify plant sex at early
date is to look at the calyx with the aid of a
very fine magnifying glass. (See last page of
this book for pre-flowering/calyx illustration)
If the calyx is raised on a stem then it is
probably a male. If the calyx is not raised on
a stem then it is probably a female.

Third Early Sexing Method.

Force-flowering a cutting is probably the
best early sexing method out there. Simply take
a cutting from the plant that you want to sex
and place the cutting in a cup of water or into
a cloning medium such as rockwool. Give the
cutting 12 hours light and 12 hours total
darkness. The cutting will flower and display
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