
(coco) #1

rises and that is why it is placed there up
top. The intake hole is on opposite side of
grow area and can have a fan in it also. This
fan is generally moving a bit quicker than the
extractor fan to allow a fresh supply of air to
circulate before leaving the grow room.
The walls are painted flat white or Mylar
is hung for reflective purposes. The plants are
usually placed in separate pots and go through
their entire life cycle within the cabinet
environment. Clones are taken from the plants
and placed either on a second shelf in the
cabinet or near a window in your house. Some
people have made a small compartment in their
cabinet for clones and germination. This can be
any size, but is kept small because you only
want to just keep the clones alive. This small
compartment will probably have one or two
fluorescent lights in it for the clones. It
would be best to keep the compartment at the
top of the grow chamber near the exhaust fan.
You do not need an intake fan for these clones
unless it is a big set-up. A simple hole in the
side will allow the plants to breathe. After
the harvest, these clones are put into the grow
room and the process is repeated. It is a
Perpetual Grow. The legal term is a Marijuana
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