
(coco) #1

In the early days of experimenting with
artificial grow mediums inventors found that
plants just needed a suitable material that
holds minerals, performs some form of drainage
and allows air to get to the roots. If they
could invent a non-toxic medium then the plant
would surely grow as well as it would in soil.
During most investigations they found that the
roots did not respond too well to the mediums,
but that the plant was receiving nutrition in
every aspect when the nutrients were added to
the artificial medium by hand. To solve this
problem the inventors looked back into the
history of growing. They found that many
Ancient Civilizations where growing their
plants directly in running streams. A light
reed or bush was used to keep the plants stems
above the rushing water. Of course the
inventors knew that only certain types of
plants could be grown this way. Then someone
had the bright idea of creating a small unit
that held water and had the medium and plant
set-up in such away that the medium would
support the plant above the tank that would
feed water to the roots once they grew out of
the medium.
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