
(coco) #1

hole in the ground outdoors. Amazing or what!
You will have all female outdoor plants!
It is also a good idea around the second
week of vegetative growth to spray the area
with some pesticide.
Cannabis growing is really fun because the
more you know, the more tricks you will invent
by yourself to get the most out of your yields.
Some of the best cannabis growers are very
exotic with their grow methods. A number of
people have even tried outdoor hydroponics to
get their plants to grow bigger and better.
When growing outdoors you need to keep your
plants in good shape and free from any unwanted
predators that may find your top cola and
leaves to be quite tasty. We will talk about
this in the chapter about pests.



The best way to weed is buy hand. Do not
attempt to add any weed killer to your grow
area unless you know more about the weed killer
you are using and how it reacts with cannabis.
Some weed killers say that they will protect
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