
(coco) #1

if you learn to prune your plant right you can
generate small bushy Sativa plants that grow in
tiny spaces. Without pruning the Sativa plant
it will probably stretch to five feet and more.
For every stem or branch you prune, the cut
area will develop two more branches. Look
outside at any tree. See how the stem divides
into branches which sub-divide into more
branches which divide into new shoots and
leaves. Well some marijuana plant only grow a
main branch out from the stem and this may stay
that way throughout its entire grow. Any
filling out usually occurs when new leaves and
branches develop at the nodes. Some lateral
branches may develop new shoots but these are
somewhat small and thin and do not support much
bud growth. If we prune our plant we can make
it more like the tree that we see in the
garden. There is also a limit to how much we
can prune. Let us follow a prune path for a
If we prune the stem, it will split into
two. We can prune both these two new stems and
end up with four stems. We may try to prune
each of these four stems to try and create
eight stems, but this depends on the strain and
its branching limit which is genetically based.
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