
(coco) #1


This has been discussed before in the
indoor growing set-ups with ScrOG and SOG.
Training is simply the art of tying down your
plants main stem so that it grows in a ā€˜Sā€™
shape pattern. Mainly this is used to prevent
plants from reaching their natural height
without pruning (although you can also prune
trained plants without a problem).
Training is done by simply attaching a
piece of thread to the stem and bending the
plant over. The thread is then locked down to
either another part of the stem or a piece of
the grow room frame. People have managed to
grow all kinds of shaped plants using this
method - from corkscrew shapes to complete full
circles. Some growers even like to grow their
plants horizontally across during the
vegetative stage of growth. During the
flowering cycle the light is moved above the
plant to encourage thicker bud growth along the
main stem. Sometimes this method does not work
so well, but when it does the overall bud
production can be excellent.
If during your training, a stem should
break, simply hold it in place again using a
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