
(coco) #1


Acidity: Acidity is indicated by the pH value Below 7.
Aerate: Loosening or puncturing the soil to increase water penetration.
Afghani: A short Indica land race strain from Afghanistan. Very resinous.
Air layering: A specialized method of cloning a plant which is
accomplished by growing new roots from a branch while the branch is
still connected to the parent plant.
Alkaline: Having a pH value of above 7.
Alternate host: One of two kinds of plants on which a parasitic fungus
must develop to complete its life cycle.
Alternate: To be "located directly across from" or can apply to stamens
when between the petals.
Annual: Completing life cycle
Awn: A slander bristle-like appendage usually at the end of a structure.

Bactericide: A chemical compound that kills or inhibits bacteria.
Bale: Any package of marijuana weighing over 10 lbs.
Ballast: A transformer used with HID lighting equipment.
Bhang: An Indian and Middle Eastern drink made from cannabis.
Biennial: Completing the life cycle in two growing seasons. Cannabis is
not biennial.
Biological Control: Total or partial destruction of pathogen populations by
other organisms.
Blight: Rapid death of a leaf
Blotch: A disease characterized by large irregular spots on a leaf.
Blue light: Mercury based light.
Blunt: A joint rolled in a tobacco-leaf wrapper.
Bong: A water-cooled pipe made from glass.
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