
(coco) #1

Dieback: Dieback is the progressive death of branches or shoots
beginning at the tips and moving toward the main stem.
Dioecious: The male and female flowers on different plants.
Disease: Any malfunctioning of host cells and tissues that results from
continuous irritation by a pathogenic agent or environmental factor and
leads to development of symptoms.
Dividing: The process of splitting up plants
Doobie: A common expression for hash or weed.
Dope: Usually refers to cannabis. Sometimes Heroin.
Double Digging: Preparing the soil by systematically digging an area to
the depth of two shovels.

Epidermis: The outer most layer of cells of the leaf and of young stems
and roots.
Evergreen: A plant that never loses all of its leaves at one time.

Fan Leaves: They are the largest leaves of the cannabis plant that
gather the most available light.
Fertilizer: A plant food, which when complete should contains all three of
the primary elements
Floret: A Small flower.
Flower: Seed producing structure of a plant.
Foliar Feeding: Fertilizer applied in liquid form to the plant’s foliage in a
fine spray.
FourTwenty: (420), the time of day that one starts smoking cannabis so
that it does not interfere with one’s work.
Fungicide: A compound toxic to fungi.
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