
(coco) #1

especially when they are alike.
Perlite: A form of obsidian consisting of vitreous globules expandable by
heating and used for insulation but in our case it is used as a plant
growth medium.
Petiole: Leaf stalk.
pH: The pH is a measure of the acidity of a solution.
Photoperiod: The timed amount of light that a plant receives.
Photosynthesis: The chemical process in plants in which carbon dioxide
and water are converted into glucose by the influence of light energy.
Phototropism: The inclination , which plants have, to grow towards light.
Phyllotaxy: How leaves are arranged on a branch or stem.
Pinching: Using the thumb and forefinger to lightly crush a branch or
stem which promotes further branching and causes the plant to bush
Pistil: The ovule-bearing organ of a flower, consisting of stigma and
ovary, usually with a style in between.
Pollen: The male gametes or microspores of a seed plant, produced as
a fine granular or powdery substance in the anthers of a flower or the
male cone of a gymnosperm and usu. transported by wind or insects.
Pollinate: Convey pollen to or deposit pollen on (a stigma, an ovule, a
flower, a plant) and so allow fertilization.
Pot: Another term for cannabis.
Potency: The strength of the cannabis drug. Usually measured by the
THC levels in a plant.
Predator: A predator is an insect or animal that feeds off other animals,
insects or plants.
Pruning: The cutting and trimming of plants to remove dead or injured
wood , or to control and direct the new growth of a plant.

Red light: Usually refers to a Sodium based light (HPS).
Reefer : Another term used for dried cannabis. Specifically a cannabis
Resistance: The ability of an organism to exclude or overcome a
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