
(coco) #1

Stout: Thick and sturdy.
Substrate: Refers to the growing medium.
Susceptible: Lacking the inherent ability to resist disease.
Symptom: The external and internal reactions or alterations of a plant as
a result of a disease.

Taxa: A group of plants, defined by the scientific plant classification
Terminal: At the tip of a structure.
Tetrahydrocannabinol/THC: The psychoactive cannabinoid in marijuana
that is responsible for the high.
Thai stick: A cannabis sweet made by wrapping cannabis around a thin
bamboo splint.
THC: See - Tetrahydrocannabinol/THC.
Thinning: Removing some plants to allow sufficient room for the
remaining plants to grow.
Toke: To inhale cannabis.
Transpiration: The release of moisture through the leaves of a plant.
Transplant: The process of moving one plant from it’s medium to
another medium or another location.
Underground: A nasty term used to describe a movement of the people
who grow and share cannabis.
Vascular: Term applied to a plant tissue or region consisting of
conductive tissue.
Vegetative: The growth phase of a plant that occurs before flowering and
after the seedling stage.
Vermiculite: Any of a group of hydrated silicates resulting from the
alteration of biotite and ultra basic rocks; spec. a monoclinic
aluminosilicate of magnesium occurring as platy yellow or brown crystals
or foliated scales. Flakes of this mineral used as a moisture-holding
medium for plant growth or a protective covering for bulbs etc.
Virus: A sub microscopic obligate parasite consisting of nucleic acid and
Weed: A common term used to describe cannabis.
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