Contemporary Poetry

(nextflipdebug2) #1
environment and space 165

And because the planes fl ew overhead when we spoke of the
cries of birds our every word was an awkward squawk that
meant also AH- 64 Apache attack helicopter, UH- 60 Black
Hawk troop helicopter. (p. 67 )

Trevor Paglen suggests that experimental geographers aim to
experiment with the production of space as: ‘an integral part of
one’s practice. If human activities are inextricably spatial then
new forms of freedom and democracy can only emerge in dialecti-
cal relation to the production of new spaces’.^73 Equally, Spahr’s
attempts to enable a poetry which performs an ecopoetics that
is not only topological and tropological, but entropological and
ethnological, creates new imaginative spaces for environmental


  • Ecological poetry can initially be understood as poetry that
    addresses the environment (often associated with nature poetry).

  • An awareness of local spaces and cultures is often highlighted
    in the poetry of contemporary poets committed to region and

  • Contemporary poets examine the relationships of the individual
    to the cityscape through representations and psychological
    interpretations of urban space.

  • Poetic travelogues offer a further perspective on identity, com-
    munity and environment.

  • Recent developments in ecocriticism consider the intersection
    of economic pressures and global concerns on the environment,
    a gesture which has been framed in poetry as ‘ecopoetics’.

  • Recent poetry engaged in exploring ecopoetics often
    presents future landscapes and spaces (frequently apocalyp-
    tic), and searches for ways of making global relations and

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