student resources 239
What techniques do contemporary poets use to present humour
in their work?
Is there a relationship between the body and poetic perform-
Examine whether ideas of the ‘performative’ aid a reading of
contemporary poetry.
How does poetry perform an understanding of gender in lan-
How spontaneous is performance poetry?
Chapter 4: Environment and Space
Consider the impact of ecocriticism on the work of contempo-
rary poets.
To what extent are contemporary poets suspicious of language
as a vehicle of representation?
Examine how two contemporary poets represent the impact of
environment on human communities.
Consider the relationship between civic spaces and the everyday
in the work of one poet.
Illustrate how contemporary poets reimagine spaces in their
Examine how two poets map the cityscape in their work.
What do you understand by the term ‘psychogeography’?
Consider the relationship between the global and the local in the
work of a poet.
How do contemporary poets respond to the challenge of writing
an ecopoetics?
Chapter 5: Dialects, Idiolects and Multilingual Poetries
As a global language, how is English ‘made different’ by poets
from different countries?
Examine how the use of dialect creates a sense of affi liation to a
Consider how class may be represented through poetry.
How do native cultures deal with the transformation of oral
story into poetic text?