inorganic chemistry

(Ben Green) #1

The freeenergyof full,outer-sphere, photoinducedelectron transfer
is given by

DGeET¼ EoxDEredA

(^) e

where the last term in negligible in polar solvents, and emphasis
is given to the measurement of redox potentials in solvents of
similar dielectric constante. This shows that outer-sphere elec-
tron transfer from H 2 TPP to O 2 is endothermic, but for H 2 TPB,
it may become exothermic in polar solvents and lead to the
superoxide anion, O 2 .
The generation of superoxide ion is facilitated by
photosensitizers with lowEDox. This outer-sphere electron trans-
fer should become controlled by diffusion whenDGET<–0.27 eV
(–6.2 kcal/mol) ( 75 ), that is, when ED
ox<–1.05V (e.g.,
ET¼1.30 eVandEDox<0.25V)versusSCEinpolarsolvents.Inter-
estingly, for such exothermic electron transfers, the electron trans-
fer rate becomes larger than the statistically limited energy
transfer rate, and superoxide ion becomes the predominant prod-
that large amounts of superoxide ion will be formed at
DGET¼0.27 eV because back-electron transfer from O 2 to the
radical cation of the photosensitizer is exothermic by
DGeET¼ EoxDEredA
(^) e


andDGET¼–1.03 eV is very close to the driving force of the
fastest charge recombinations, at the beginning of Marcus
inverted region( 76 – 78 ). Additionally, photosensitizers with low
oxidation potentials are more susceptible toward oxidative deg-
radation and may react with O 2 . The free radical route to cellu-
lar damage in PDT is called type I mechanism.
The most direct way to assess the competition between type I
and type II mechanisms in PDT is to measure the quantum
yields of singlet oxygen (FD) and of superoxide ion (FO) indepen-
dently of each other. The value ofFD is conveniently obtained
from the laser energy dependence of the singlet oxygen phospho-
rescence at 1270 nm because singlet oxygen has microsecond
lifetimes in many solvents. This dependence may become nonlin-
ear when a wide range of laser energies are employed and inform
on the presence of CT mechanisms( 65 ). However, only the value
ofFDcan be quantitatively obtained by this method.

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