Acetylsalicylic acid (ASA), 27– 28
Active photocatalysts design
physical property–activity
correlation, 421– 423
synergetic effects, 423– 425
Ancillary ligands, luminescent
lanthanide sensors
anionic interferents, 12– 13
applications, 12
bacterial spore detection, 13f
chemical marker, 12
dipicolinate, 11
dormant spore state, 11– 12
fluorescence spectrophotometry,
harmonic oscillators, 10– 11
hydration number, 14
lifetime measurements, 15t
macrocyclic ligand, 13– 14
nonradiative decay, 14
photophysical properties, 15
ASA, 27– 28
SU, 28
catecholamines (CAs), 22
cyclic and acyclic, 23– 24
detection methods, 22
ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid
(EDTA), 23
excitation spectra, 25f
LOD, 21– 22
pH dependence studies, 26
protonation constants, 23t
stability constants, 24t
analyte binding affinity, 20– 21
association constants, 17f
binding affinities, 19t
binding affinity by competition
(BAC) assay, 16
DO2A helper ligand, 16
enhanced receptor effect, 17
gadolinium break, 17– 18
lanthanide–macrocycle binary
complexes, 18– 19
limit of detection (LOD)
values, 21f
Anthropogenic chelating agents, 299
Artificial endonuclease activity,
276 – 278
ASA.SeeAcetylsalicylic acid (ASA)
Band structure and excitation,
400 – 401, 400f
Binuclear osmium complex.
See[(NH 3 ) 5 OsII(m-N 2 )
OsIII(NH 3 ) 5 ]^5 þ
Bioinorganic chromophores,
243 – 247
Biomimetic and bioinspired systems
artificial endonuclease activity,
276 – 278
light-driven model enzymes,
278 – 279
classification, metal sites, 238t
design strategies and building
emerging theoretical
frameworks, 267– 269
functional analogies
identification, 261– 267
photochemical modeling,
269 – 276
H. sapiensmanganese superoxide
dismutase, 239f