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236 Rebuilding West Africa’s food potential

3.3 Consultations with partners and development of new strategic road map for the PO

Following the assessment workshop with the Union, SOS Sahel interviewed the main partners on their
relationships and perceptions vis-à-vis the Union and their perspectives on the new vision and proposals
developed by the Union. The partners’ responses are summarized in Table 9:

Table 8. Timeline for collective marketing proposals

Short term (three months) Medium term (6 months and more)

  • Conduct a census of its marketable products, including
    promising crops.

  • Strengthen processing and marketing capacities of

  • Identify products that will generate the best possible

    • Revitalize the existing price committee
      (governance) and turn it into a marketing
      committee (managing stock surplus inventory).

    • Create sales outlets with bundling of products.


  • Commission an expert for a feasibility study and
    measure the actual capacity of the Union.

    • Seek technical support from experienced orga-
      nizations such as Afrique Verte (specializing in
      “cereal banks”.

Table 9. Partners’ perspectives vis-à-vis the Tien-Tieetaa Union (bilateral consultations)

Union visibility, strengths and weaknesses with partners:

  • Good image of the Union

  • Good audience with projects and NGOs

  • Well structured organization, unique in the Southwest region
    Union strengths:

  • Good governance with bodies that work well

  • Strong presence of women with loans supported by the Caisse Populaire

  • 100% repayment of loans by women

  • Participates in the development of the Municipal Development Program (MDP)

  • Developing capacity in warrantage, reforestation, nutritional education
    Weaknesses of Union:

  • The Union has reached a level of stagnation in its capabilities

  • Low level of education of members and leaders

  • Little monitoring with development partners

  • Men’s loan needs are not satisfied

  • Union strongly dependent on external support (very low economic autonomy)
    Possible changes to achieve the new vision and partners’ contributions:

  • Attract new members

  • Encourage turnover of leaders within bodies, including grassroots groups

  • Increase the amount of loans granted to members by increasing the Guarantee Fund at the Caisse Populaire

  • A mutual fund is possible, but must take into account competition from the Caisse Populaire

  • Expect to overcome very stringent conditions from the Ministry of Economy and Finance to obtain legal status; need to
    develop appropriate statutes, have skilled personnel, appropriate premises and equipment, promote savings and cumula-
    tively provide loans

  • The amount of annual loans granted to all Union members

  • Improve the skills of members of the Executive Board with experts in finance and credit

  • Search for partners to contribute funds in addition to membership fees

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