Can Poetry Save the Earth?: A Field Guide to Nature Poems

(Ann) #1

his notion of “capturing,” from Ted
Hughes (1930–1998), begins his fine primer Poetry Is. Many would welcome
his changed attitude, such as the nineteenth-century peasant poet John Clare.
Gerard Manley Hopkins, saying “I caught this morning” the windhover or
kestrel, means a sighting, not a hunter’s catch. Leaving it as they found it, poems
like photos also “catch” something.
“My first six years shaped everything,” Hughes said toward the end of his
life. In his rural Yorkshire childhood, some fox cubs he ’d tried to keep alive
were killed by a farmer. Recalling this years later, “late one snowy night in
dreary lodgings in London,” he tried his first animal poem. Poemless for a year,
in a sort of fever he wrote “The Thought-Fox.” As he said of Emily Dickinson
conjuring a cloudburst, “every phrase is a fresh event.”

“I dared not cast / / But silently cast”

Ted Hughes Capturing Pike

There are all sorts of ways of capturing animals and birds and fish.
I spent most of my time, up to the age of fifteen or so, trying out
many of these ways and when my enthusiasm began to wane, as it
did gradually, I started to write poems....
My pursuit of mice at threshing time when I was a boy, snatch-
ing them from under the sheaves as the sheaves were lifted away
out of the stack and popping them into my pocket till I had thirty
or forty crawling around in the lining of my coat, that and my
present pursuit of poems seem to me to be different stages of the
same fever. In a way, I suppose, I think of poems as a sort of
animal. They have their own life, like animals, by which I mean
that they seem quite separate from any person, even from their
author, and nothing can be added to them or taken away without
maiming or perhaps even killing them. And they have a certain
wisdom. They know something special...
Finally... my attitude to animals changed. I accused myself of
disturbing their lives. I began to look at them, you see, from their
own point of view.


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