Can Poetry Save the Earth?: A Field Guide to Nature Poems

(Ann) #1

Hughes, Crow (New York, 1971).
Hughes, Moortown Diary (London, 1979).
Hughes, Remains of Elmet, photographs by Fay Godwin (New York, 1979).
Hughes, Three Books: Remains of Elmet, Cave Birds, River (London, 1993).
Hughes, Poetry Is (New York, 1967).
Hughes, 1996 interview by Eilat Negev, Daily Telegraph (London), November 2,
Adrienne Rich, “Abnegation,” from Leaflets: Poems, 1965–1968 (New York, 1969).
Rich, “Fox,” from Fox (New York, 2001).

Derek Walcott, First to See Them

Derek Walcott, Collected Poems, 1948–1984 (New York, 1986).
Walcott, Omeros(New York, 1990).
Walcott, Tiepolo’s Hound (New York, 2000).
Walcott, What the Twilight Says: Essays (New York, 1998).
Conversations with Derek Walcott, ed. William Baer (Jackson, Miss., 1996).
“Talking with Derek Walcott,” interview by Carroll Fleming, Caribbean Reader 7

Gary Snyder’s Eye for the Real World

The Gary Snyder Reader: Prose, Poetry, and Translations, 1952–1998 (Washington,
D.C., 1999).
Gary Snyder, The Back Country (New York, 1968).
Snyder, Turtle Island (New York, 1974).
Snyder, Riprap(Ashland, Mass., 1959).
Snyder, Danger on Peaks (San Francisco, 2004).
Snyder, Riprap and Cold Mountain Poems (San Francisco, 1966).
Snyder, “Afterword,” Riprap and Cold Mountain Poems (San Francisco, 1990).
Snyder, Myths and Texts (New York, 1960).
Snyder, Six Sections from Mountains and Rivers Without End (San Francisco, 1965).
Snyder, Earth House Hold: Technical Notes and Queries to Fellow Dharma
Revolutionaries (New York, 1969).
Snyder, The Real Work: Interviews and Talks, 1964–1979, ed. William Scott Mclean
(New York, 1980).
Snyder, Mountains and Rivers Without End (Washington, D.C., 1996).
Snyder, The Practice of the Wild (San Francisco, 1990; Washington, D.C., 2004).
John Felstiner, interview with Gary Snyder, Berkeley, October 27, 2006
Bob Steuding, Gary Snyder (Boston, 1976).
David Kherdian, Six Poets of the San Francisco Renaissance: Portraits and Checklist
(Fresno, Calif., 1967).
Critical Essays on Gary Snyder, ed. Patrick D. Murphy (Boston, 1991).
Anthony Hunt, Genesis, Structure, and Meaning in Gary Snyder’s Mountains and
Rivers Without End (Reno, Nev., 2004).

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