Can Poetry Save the Earth?: A Field Guide to Nature Poems

(Ann) #1

“The Eye in the Rock” (Haines), 288–89
Ezra (Biblical figure), 296

“Fall 1961” (Lowell), 263–64
“A Far Cry from Africa” (Walcott), 336
Far from the Madding Crowd (Hardy), 89
Faulkner, William, 314, 336
Felstiner, Sarah, 372
Feminism, 195–96, 214
Fergus (Ulster king), 106, 107
Ferlinghetti, Lawrence, 215
“Fern Hill” (Dylan Thomas), 6
“The Figure a Poem Makes” (Frost), 116, 128
“Fire and Ice” (Frost), 123–24, 126
“First Fig” (Millay), 186
Fish, in Bishop, 183, 236–37, 239, 329; Hughes,
7, 183, 208, 218, 232, 330–32, 334; Kaufman,
277; Kinnell, 315; Lawrence, 166, 237; Lev-
ertov, 272; Lowell, 259, 262; Moore, 177,
179–82; Rexroth, 213–14; Roethke, 221;
Tu Fu, 211. See also Whales
“Fish” (Lawrence), 166, 237
“The Fish” (Bishop), 183, 236–37, 239, 329
“The Fish” (Moore), 177, 179–82
Florida, 137, 139, 236
Flowers and plants, in Bishop, 230, 231, 234–
36; Dickinson, 76–78; Frost, 117; Ginsberg,
273, 356; Hall, 318, 320, 324; Kaufman, 278–
81; Keats, 256; Kenyon, 318, 325; Kinnell,
317; Kunitz, 210, 246; Levertov, 267, 269,
271, 273; Millay, 184–85, 188, 191; Neruda,
196; Rexroth, 215; Roethke, 216–18, 220,
221–22; Swenson, 245–46, 248; Thomas,
130–31, 133; Williams, 141–44, 147–48, 150,
155, 157, 160–61. See also Bees; Trees
“For a Coming Extinction” (Merwin), 303
Ford Motor Company, 183
Forests. See Trees
“For Instance” (Levertov), 268
Forster, E. M., 269
“For the Union Dead” (Lowell), 262
Fountains. See Water
Four Quartets (Eliot), 128–29
“Four-Word Lines” (Swenson), 246
“Fox” (Rich), 328–29
France, Dreyfus affair in, 341; imperialism of,
338; Lascaux cave in, 165, 227, 304; Merwin
in, 304, 307; Pissarro in, 339, 340; revolu-
tion in, 38, 39; World War II in, 271, 304
Frost, Elinor, 116–18, 126–28
Frost, Jeanie, 116, 118
Frost, Robert, xiv, 15, 115–22,123–29, 160,

336,363;“After Apple-Picking,” xiv, 120–
22, 126, 133, 139, 256, 272, 322; “The Ax-
Helve,” 126, 351; “Bereft,” 126; “Birches,”
120; “Clear and Colder,” 116; “Directive,”
44, 128, 129, 205; “Dust of Snow,” 124, 126,
310; and Edward Thomas, 123, 131–35; as
environmentalist, xiv; “The Figure a Poem
Makes,” 116, 128; “Fire and Ice,” 123–24,
126; “The Gift Outright,” 8; as influence,
336, 357; influences on, 89, 116–17, 119, 124,
126; “Mending Wall,” 119–20; “The Most
of It,” 232, 310; Mountain Interval, 134;
“Mowing,” 117; New Hampshire, 126;North
of Boston, 120, 123, 132; “October,” 117–18,
322; “Once by the Pacific,” 116; and other
poets, 137, 144, 171, 182, 205, 251, 261, 285;
“The Pasture,” 118; “A Prayer in Spring,”
117; “The Quest of the Orchis,” 117; “The
Road Not Taken,” 126, 135; “The Silken
Tent,” 127–28; “Song of the Wave,” 116;
“Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Eve-
ning,” 125–26; “To the Thawing Wind,”
117; “War Thoughts at Home,” 134–35;
“West-Running Brook,” 126–27, 129, 153,
222; “The Wood-Pile,” 132
“Frost at Midnight” (Coleridge), 30, 40–41,
50, 90

Galápagos Islands, 12
García Lorca, Federico, 159, 196
Gardening.See Flowers and plants
Gauguin, Paul, 339
Genesis. See Adam; Earth: Bible on subduing
and having dominion over; Eden
“Gettysburg: July 1, 1863” (Kenyon), 325
“Gic to Har” (Rexroth), 212–13
Gifford, Emma (later, Mrs. Thomas Hardy),
90, 91–92
“The Gift Outright” (Frost), 8
Gilboa, Amir, 276
Gilgamesh (Babylonian epic), 19, 336, 337,
Ginsberg, Allen, 34, 159, 215, 273, 356
Giotto (painter), 339
“Gliding Baskets” (Cross), 315–17
“God ’s Grandeur” (Hopkins), 24–25, 95–97
“The Going” (Hardy), 90
Goldsmith, Oliver, 62
Gombe Stream National Park (Tanzania),
Goodnight, Patricia Ann, 355
“The Gray Heron” (Kinnell), 310
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