Can Poetry Save the Earth?: A Field Guide to Nature Poems

(Ann) #1

“I Found Her Out There” (Hardy), 90–91
“I Knew a Woman” (Roethke), 220
“Illustrious Ancestors” (Levertov), 267
Imagination, in Bishop, 233–34; Coleridge,
xiv, 37, 39, 45, 136, 151, 160, 235; Dickinson,
29; Hughes, 328; Moore, 179–83; precision
as linked to, 177; Stevens, 139; Walcott ’s
painterly, 340; Williams, 151, 160, 356
“In a Dark Time” (Roethke), 220
“In California” (Levertov), 266–67
Inca people, 195, 197, 201
“Incarnation” (Rexroth), 215
In Defense of Earth (Rexroth), 215
India, 13
Indians. See Native Americans
Indonesia, 13
Industrialization, 98–99. See also Develop-
ment; Pollution; Railroads
“Inhumanism,” 172
“Inland” (Millay), 185
“Inscape,” 98, 101
“Inscription for a Fountain on a Heath”
(Coleridge), 42–44, 50
Insects. See Bees; Butterflies
“Instress,” 98, 101
In the American Grain (Williams), 151–53, 341
“In the Bodies of Words” (Swenson), 246, 248
“Inundaciones” (Neruda), 196–97
“I reason, Earth is short” (Dickinson), 116–17
Ireland, 97, 104–12, 172, 264
“Iris” (Williams), 155, 157
“Iris by Night” (Thomas), 131
Irish Fairy and Folk Tales (ed. Yeats), 106
Isaiah (Biblical figure), 20, 23, 69, 254
Ishi (California Indian), 252, 321
Ishmael (Biblical figure), 20
Israel, 275–81
Issa (poet), 4
Italy, 55, 162–63
“I taste a liquor never brewed” (Dickinson),

“Jabberwocky” (Carroll), 88
“Jacaranda” (Kaufman), 3, 6, 279–81
Japan, 128, 197, 206, 344, 354
Jeffers, Robinson, 170–75, 186, 365; and Ansel
Adams, 14; “Continent ’s End,” 172; “Hurt
Hawks,” 172, 232, 329; influences on, 175;
“Oh, Lovely Rock,” 174; “Orca,” 175; and
other poets, 137, 167, 182, 186, 189, 251, 285,
287, 291, 323, 346, 351, 357; “The Place for
No Story,” 171; “Rock and Hawk,” 172,

329; on wholeness of all things (“not man/
Apart”), 5, 70, 170, 175
Jeffers, Una, 171, 174
Jefferson, Thomas, 298
Jeremiah (Biblical figure), 31
“Jerusalem” (Blake), 34, 35
Jesus (Biblical figure), 20, 69
Jews, 338–43
“Jews in the Land of Israel” (Amichai), 281
Job (Biblical figure), 5, 20, 31, 32, 166, 206,
261, 291–92, 303, 309, 357
Johnson, El’Jay, 355–56
Johnson, Lyndon, 259
Jonah (Biblical figure), 80, 303
Jones, Angel, 267
Jonson, Ben, 23
Joyce, James, 151, 155, 336
Jude the Obscure (Hardy), 89

Kabbalah, 23
Kafka, Franz, 71
Kansas, 251, 256, 258
Kaufman, Shirley, 271, 275–81,368;“Autumn
Crocus,” 278–79, 356; Claims, 277, 279,
281; “Déjà Vu,” 277; From One Life to
Another, 276; “HAMSIN Breaking After
Five Days,” 278; “Jacaranda,” 3, 6, 279–81;
“Roots in the Air,” 275, 281; “Stones,”
275–76; “Waiting,” 278
Keats, George, 49, 52
Keats, John, xiii, 4, 13, 46–55, 67, 100, 361;at
Ambleside falls, xiv, 47–49, 55, 346; “Ode
on a Grecian Urn,” 30, 43, 49–50, 52, 53,
133, 235, 289, 342; “Ode to a Nightingale,”
31, 46, 52, 53, 67, 105, 218, 306; and other
poets, 57–58, 98, 118, 138, 143, 186, 203,
214, 235, 336; “To Autumn,” 13, 50–55,
52–55, 81, 98, 118, 121, 133, 138, 203, 214,
298, 342
Keats, Tom, 46, 49, 54
Keller, Helen, 2
Kennedy, John F., 8, 115
Kentucky, 8, 49
Kenyon, Jane, 318 ,323–26,370;“At the Win-
ter Solstice,” 325–26; “Depression in Win-
ter,” 325; “Gettysburg: July 1, 1863,” 325;
“Let Evening Come,” 326; “Twilight: After
Haying,” 325
Kerouac, Jack, 351
“Kicking the Leaves” (Hall), 323
King, Martin Luther, Jr., 205
King Lear (Shakespeare), 52
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