Can Poetry Save the Earth?: A Field Guide to Nature Poems

(Ann) #1

98, 251; “The Quaker Graveyard in Nan-
tucket,” 159, 260, 303; “Skunk Hour,” 261–
62; “Waking Early Sunday Morning,” 259
Lycidas (Milton), 213

Machado, Antonio, 257
Machu Picchu, 195–201, 285, 338, 342, 356
MacLeish, Archibald, 242
Maine, Lowell in, 259, 261; Millay from, 184–
88, 191; Mount Katahdin in, 67, 172, 185,
Man and Nature (Marsh), 10–11, 20, 360
Mandelstam, Osip, 302
Manifest Destiny, 8
“Manzanita” (Snyder), 351–52
“Maple Syrup” (Hall), 322
Maritain, Jacques, 224
Marsh, George Perkins, 10–11, 20, 360
“Mary and the Seasons” (Rexroth), 215
Massachusetts, 82, 116, 202, 204, 228–29, 262,
263, 356
Massasoit (Wampanoag sachem), 205
Mather, Cotton, 151, 152
Matisse, Henri, 155
Matthiessen, Peter, 169
The Mayor of Casterbridge (Hardy), 89
McKay, Don, 357
Melville, Herman, 8, 76, 336; Moby-Dick, 5,
45, 80, 89, 165, 166, 218, 237, 260, 261, 303,
Memory, xiv, 2; in Bishop, 233–36; Coleridge,
44; Dickinson, 83; Frost, 118; Hall, 319–22;
Hardy, 88, 90–91, 93; Jeffers, 174; Keats, 47;
Kunitz, 204–6; Lowell, 260; Merwin, 306;
Millay, 184–93; Neruda, 194–95; Roethke,
217; Swenson, 240; Walcott, 338–43;
“Western Wind,” 30; Williams, 141–42
Mendel, Gregor, 95
“Mending Wall” (Frost), 119–20
Merwin, W. S., 137, 301–8,369–70; “The
Asians Dying,” 307–8; “The Blind Seer of
Ambon,” 301–2, 308; “The Bones,” 302;
“Chord,” 306; “For a Coming Extinction,”
303; “Hearing the Names of the Valleys,”
307; “Leviathan,” 302–3; “Losing a Lan-
guage,” 306–7; “Questions to Tourists
Stopping by a Pineapple Field,” 304–5;
“Rain at Night,” 305–6; The Rain in the
Trees, 306, 336–37; translations by, 302,
304, 307; “Utterance,” 306; on vanishing
languages, 7, 306–7; “The Wild,” 302
Metaphor (figure of speech), 9, 13, 15, 32, 177,

196; animals as, 329; in Bible, 24; Dickin-
son, 83; Frost, 123–29; Hall, 321; Hopkins,
100, 103; Kaufman, 276–77, 279–80; Keats,
53, 54; Kumin, 293; Lowell, 263; Millay, 188;
Moore, 177, 179–82; Shakespeare, 146, 182,
187; “Western Wind,” 28, 32–33; Williams,
Mexicans, xiv
Michigan, 216–18, 220, 323
“Mid-August at Sourdough Mountain Look-
out” (Snyder), 344, 346–47
“Midwest” (Stafford), 252
Miles, Josephine, 296
Millay, Edna St. Vincent, 184–93, 356, 365;
“Counting-out Rhyme,” 191, 193; “Exiled,”
185; “First Fig,” 186; “Hearing your
words,” 187–88; “Inland,” 185; and Jeffers,
186, 189–90; The Murder of Lidice, 192;
“Pueblo Pot,” 189; “Ragged Island,” 192;
“Renascence,” 185–86; “What lips my
lips have kissed,” 186–87
Milton, John, 47, 146, 213, 218, 346
Mindfulness. See Attentiveness
Missouri River, 252
Miwok Indians, 12
Moby-Dick (Melville), 45, 80, 89, 165, 166, 218,
237, 260, 261, 303, 329
Momaday, Scott, xiv, 357, 372
Moore, Marianne, 14, 176–83, 239, 365; and
Bishop, 229, 237, 246; “The Fish,” 177,
179–82; “He ‘Digesteth Hard Yron,’” 183;
and other poets, 138–39, 183, 244, 274;
“Poetry,” 183; “To a Snail,” 176
“The Moors” (Clare), 62
Moortown Diary (Hughes), 333
“The Moose” (Bishop), 218, 228–33, 235, 238,
286, 329
Morrison, Kathleen, 127
Moses (Biblical figure), 20, 23, 31, 66
“The Most of It” (Frost), 232, 310
“Motion” (Ammons), 297
“Motion’s Holdings” (Ammons), 297
Motion vs. stillness, 13–15, 38, 45, 49, 53, 73,
126–27, 133, 145, 157–58, 166, 199, 210, 221–
22, 246, 289, 297–98, 330, 342, 357. See also
Water; Waterfalls
“Mountain Lion” (Lawrence), 167–69
Mountain lions (Cougars; Pumas; Wildcats),
162, 167–69, 174, 252, 286
Mountains and Rivers Without End (Snyder),
Mount Katahdin (Maine), 67, 172, 185, 284
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