Can Poetry Save the Earth?: A Field Guide to Nature Poems

(Ann) #1

Vision. See Recognition
“The Voice” (Hardy), 91

“Waiting” (Kaufman), 278
“Waking Early Sunday Morning” (Lowell),
Walcott, Derek, 14, 335–43,371; “The An-
tilles: Fragments of Epic Memory,” 338;
“The Castaway,” 336; “A Far Cry from
Africa,” 336; influences on, 57, 89; Omeros,
336–38; as painter, 147, 335, 338–40, 342–43;
Tiepolo’s Hound, 338–43
Walden (Thoreau), 105, 119, 349
Walker, Alice, 357
“The Wanderer” (Williams), 143
“The War Against the Trees” (Kunitz), 206
“The War Is Permanent” (Tu Fu), 212
“War Thoughts at Home” (Frost ’s unpub-
lished poem), 134–35
Washington, D.C., 71, 73, 356
Washington State, 273, 275, 344, 347–48, 354,

  1. See also Cascade Mountains; Mount
    The Waste Land (Eliot), 7, 44, 143–44, 146–49,
    157, 159, 177, 260, 278, 338
    “Watching the Jet Planes Dive” (Stafford),
    257, 355
    Water (Fountains; Oceans; Rain; Rivers), in
    Ammons, 296–98; Bible, 24; Bishop, 229,
    232, 235, 238; Coleridge, 42–45, 100, 101,
    127, 199, 222, 246; Eliot, 278; Frost, 116,
    126–28, 153, 222; Haines, 287–88; Hall, 318;
    Hardy, 8, 92–93; Hopkins, 97, 99–102;
    Hughes, 332–33; Jeffers, 175, 189; Una Jef-
    fers, 171; Kaufman, 277–78, 280; Keats, 47;
    Levertov, 268, 273; Lowell, 260–61, 264–
    65; Merwin, 302–3, 305–7; Millay, 185, 187–
    89; Momaday, 357; Moore, 177–82; Neruda,
    196–99, 342; Psalms, 20, 25–26; Rexroth,
    213–15; Rich, 173; Roethke, 220; and sea
    walls, 174; Shakespeare, 182; Snyder, 344,
    348, 349–50; Stafford, 253–57; Swenson,
    246, 248; Thomas, 134; Tu Fu, 211; Walcott,
    337, 338; “Western Wind,” 44, 278; Whit-
    man, 76; Williams, 143, 157–58; Words-
    worth, 37–38, 43, 49, 100, 199; Yeats, 109,

  2. See also Fish; Pollution; Waterfalls;
    Waterfalls, 14–15, 36–38, 43–45, 47–50, 55, 67,
    100–101, 128–29, 158, 183, 199, 214–15, 259,
    337, 344, 348, 353, 356
    “Waters” (Swenson), 246, 248

Watershed Prize, 355
“The Wave and the Dune” (Swenson), 246
Weather, 32, 40, 50–54, 219, 278, 330, 347
“Weeds and Peonies” (Hall), 324
Welch, James, 357
“The Wellfleet Whale” (Kunitz), 206–8, 329
“The Well Rising” (Stafford), 3, 253–57, 272
“Western Wind” (Anonymous), 3, 6, 28–33,
44, 93, 151, 214, 219, 278, 294, 360
West Indies. See Caribbean
“West-Running Brook” (Frost), 126–27, 129,
153, 222
Whales (Leviathan), 173, 175, 259, 261, 302–3;
in Bible, 1–2, 5, 25–26, 165–66, 218; envi-
ronmental threats to, 11, 20, 293, 303;
Kunitz, 5, 206–8, 329; language of, 206–7,
303; Melville, 5, 45, 80, 166, 218, 237, 260,
261, 303, 329
“What lips my lips have kissed” (Millay),
“When Lilacs Last in the Door-yard
Bloom’d” (Whitman), 73
Whitman, Walt, xiii, 7, 8, 64–74, 115, 218, 265,
329, 356, 362;on Adam, 21; and American
idiom, 4–5, 24, 68–69, 71, 129, 144, 223; “As
I Ebb’d with the Ocean of Life,” 76; and
Dickinson, 69, 76, 78, 80; influences on, 24,
34, 66, 68–69, 71, 73, 296; Leaves of Grass,
9, 64, 67–74; and other poets, 69–70, 103,
143–44, 158, 163, 167, 201, 208–9, 212, 218,
272, 310, 315, 317, 323, 336, 351, 357; “Song
of Myself,” xiii, 68–72, 103, 212, 218; Speci-
men Days in America, 73; “When Lilacs
Last in the Door-yard Bloom’d,” 73
“Whitman Is the Voice of One Who Saith”
(Pound), 72
Whittier, John Greenleaf, 68, 70
“Who Goes with Fergus?” (Yeats), 106
Wieseltier, Meir, 276
Wilbur, Richard, 14
“The Wild” (Merwin), 302
Wilderness, xiv, 6; Biblical events in, 20; and
history, 352, 353–54; in Kinnell, 309; within
people, 282–89; Puritans on, 20; as Snyder’s
constituency, 353–54. See also Civilization;
Earth; Nature
“The Wild Swans at Coole” (Yeats), 107
“The Willets” (Swenson), 245
Williams, Flossie, 141, 160, 273
Williams, William Carlos, 141–48,149–61,
364–65; Al Que Quiere, 144; In the American
Grain,151–53, 341; and American idiom,
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