Microsoft Word - Spiritual Warfare, Angels and Demons.doc

(Brent) #1

You are the ones who take on the energetic
responsibility for your world, altering those
things that could destroy it if there hadn't
been intervention. You know that your
significance lies in conjunction with your
spirit, and you realize that the knowledge of
your many selves is meaningless if it is not
linked with higher knowledge. Reaching to
the Great Spirit requires pure intention,
otherwise it means nothing."
Looking off into a magnificent sunset
that had just begun, Chief Joseph took
another smoke from his pipe. "Today is a
wonderful day!" He almost shouted, to my
confused look. "Wonderful?" I replied, "It
sounds so very sad. So many people will die
without knowing the truth, without caring,
without becoming even a tiny part of their
highest potential." Smiling, Joseph quietly
said, "But not you." A small tear fell from the
corner of my eyes, as I was so grateful for all
I'd been shown, all I'd learned. "Today we
bring home one of our own," Joseph said,
"take the pipe, it is yours."
Handing me the sacred pipe, I was
stunned. But as it touched my hands, the
energies all around me began to stir, phasing
in and out. Appearing and disappearing

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