Microsoft Word - Spiritual Warfare, Angels and Demons.doc

(Brent) #1

being may course the golden stream of the
Law. But wouldst thou leave thy brothers
to plunge through the gaping chasms of
blood, as the pain-wracked earth shudders
and groans under her chains of stone? Canst
thou drink of the cup of eternal life, when
thy brothers die of thirst?"
The Essene Gospel of Peace, Volume 2, Page 118,
Stanza 1, (Christianity, Gnostic/Essene)

Energetic debris was all around me
and I was having trouble breathing. Coming
from people in my life who still retained
delusion and darkness within them, they
were throwing their 'trash,' so to speak, in
my perimeter. A person doesn't have to be
evil to spew dark energies, just ignorant.
Every time I had the debris almost cleaned
up, they began tossing more of their 'trash'
into my sphere.
Suddenly, a small little green faerie
appeared, about two feet high. Holding a
stardust wand, she began tossing stardust
and cleaning up the mess around me.
Laughing and joyful, she conveyed that her
name was, 'Uri,' and that she was an old
childhood friend of mine. Excited to see her,
I grabbed her by the shoulders and began

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