Microsoft Word - Spiritual Warfare, Angels and Demons.doc

(Brent) #1

Native faces energetically meshed all
around me, beckoning and calling. Seeking
to grasp the essence of their urging, an
interstellar spacecraft began to rise upwards
above me as I entered it. Soon we were in
the heavens looking down upon the Earth
below as the energetic vibrations were
increasing. Descending, the mountain
loomed gently in the sky as the energies
shifted and I found myself hurling through
Landing on a fire hydrant in a dirty
ghetto, danger was all around me. Focusing
to achieve the knowledge about the mission
at hand, a street gang was about to be the
victim of a drive-by shooting, and all of
them were going to die. Wanting to save
one soul among them, the eternal had sent
me in as a homeless woman. As the gang in
question quickly approached, the one I was
supposed to save wrapped a jacket around
me to protect me from the cold, while the
others contemplated a sexual assault.
Taking my hand, he warded off the
overt advances of his animalistic friends.
Beginning to lose focus in remembrance, I
missed the vital moment when the eternal
command had come. If I'd listened, I would

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