Microsoft Word - Spiritual Warfare, Angels and Demons.doc

(Brent) #1

Holding the energies of past dark acts
committed in the Wild West of the United
States, it was haunted by criminals, train
robbers, bounty hunters, and every possible
crime of that era. Amidst the agitation, a
soul was calling for help.
All it takes is that one sincere look to
the sky, 'Lord, there has to be more, what
does it all mean?,' and all the angels of the
Lord are called in to nourish that spark, so
that it may one day become a flame. Lying
awake in an old-fashioned bedroom with
pictures of the greatest criminals throughout
history, I appeared to the man. "Let's get out
of here," I yelled to him, not wishing to stay
in this dark place long, "but first, we must
exorcise these demons."
Confused by my request, I began to
demonstrate this vital process to him.
Thinking that he could not possibly leave
until all of his family and friends were ready
to come with him, I tried to help him to
understand that they would not be leaving
for a very long time. Not yet having asked
for redemption, they'd not even recognized
their need for such a grand event to take
place within their soul.
As hundreds of dark entities reside in

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