Grabbing the potential victim's arm, I held it.
Upon seeing me, the black woman began
running, so I summoned the aid of two other
alterers to assist. Appearing, they chased
after her, while I ran around the other side of
a building, knowing that she would be
chased right back to me.
Running frantically, seeing me struck
absolute terror in her. Somehow, she knew
me, and she knew of my purpose with her. In
a flash of light, I transformed her into a small
domestic cat. Picking her up, I placed the
'Sutta on Evil' on her back and allowed the
knowledge of its energetic pages to enter
into her being. She hissed as I did this. "You
have always followed the ways of 'fight or
flight.' We cannot allow you to continue
doing harm; you have had your chance as a
human and failed to attain higher learning.
Your predatory nature will now be
monitored in a more harmless form."
Even as a cat, she remained terrified
of me. But as I held her, I began to pet her
anyway. Hissing and lashing towards me
with her claws, I said, "You cannot hurt me.
You need love in your heart. You need to
learn a higher way." Agitated still, the
darkness within this soul had much to