Microsoft Word - Spiritual Warfare, Angels and Demons.doc

(Brent) #1

just like a determined thief: one can give
him moral instruction, but it will not be
effective. Similarly, those who are demoniac
or atheistic by nature can hardly assimilate
any good instruction, however authorized it
may be. That is the difference between
demigod and demon. Those who can accept
good instruction and try to live their lives in
that way are called demigods, and those
who are unable to take such good
instruction are called demons."
KRSNA, Chapter 1, Page 19, Paragraph 2,
(Hinduism, Author: A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami

The rowboat was moving slowly
along the river as we began our trip to the
wilderness of demons. A Buddhist monk
rowed the boat very mindfully towards
three separate destinations in the eerie
woodland. Taken to learn more about the
demons of the common man, as manifested
in this particular average family, I was
Walking through the woods was the
demonic form of the gull, destructive sexual
energy, wearing a skirt up to her buttocks;
she kept trying to get the monk's attention
by taunting him sexually. Unmoved by her

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