Microsoft Word - Spiritual Warfare, Angels and Demons.doc

(Brent) #1

by Satan," I said to the lady, "do not move
here." Satan's presence was not seen, but felt,
and hordes of his demons infested this place
like termites.
In shock, the woman appeared
grateful as she ripped up the papers. The
real estate agent seemed more concerned
with the loss of a sale. Flying away, my task
was done.
"Many people, when moved by fear, run to
mountains, jungles, hermitages, shrines and
trees in search of safety and asylum. But
these are no real refuge and they afford no
real protection... But if sometime someone
turns for refuge to the buddha's, the dharma
and the sangha... this is the real refuge."
Training the Mind in the Great Way, Point 1,
Page 87-88, (Buddhism, Tibetan, Author:
Gyalwa Gendun Druppa, the 1st Dalai Lama)

A pool of rattlesnakes had formed in
my backyard, the demons of gossip and foul
speech regarding one's neighbor. Sadly, I
could say nothing, for it was true. It shocked
me that I had never really considered the
damage of my foul speech before, because it
seemed so easily identifiable in this moment.
Representing foul speech on every level, the

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