Microsoft Word - Spiritual Warfare, Angels and Demons.doc

(Brent) #1

energized him with a seed of light in the
ghetto to energize this very moment.
Homeless and having gotten into a fight, I
had placed a seed of light within his heart
chakra, hoping that it may bear fruit over
Crowds of people surrounded us as
we reunited, my joy obvious, but they were
judgmental in his regard. Having spent time
in prison, he was just getting out.
Addressing the crowd, I quietly stated,
"Mercy is a very important thing, we are all
going to need mercy when we face our
Creator." Ignoring me, I walked away with
my friend whose troubled soul had become
more focused and direct in his incarceration.
Disappointed by the crowd, I knew his life
would be difficult because of his former
God loves a repentant sinner just as
much as He loves the just. Be merciful to
those who have been lost because of the
impetus of the original sin catapulted upon
them. If they embrace the ways of the
darkness, accept their choice and let them
face whatever consequences will come of it.
But if they choose to energize a higher way,
then be merciful in forgetting their faults,

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