Microsoft Word - Spiritual Warfare, Angels and Demons.doc

(Brent) #1

behalf of the light or darkness?!" "Uh, I don't
know," he said, whimsically. Moving aside, I
shouted, "In the name of Jesus Christ, I
command you to leave. In the name of Jesus
Christ, I command you to leave!" Very
attached to his ward, he would also have to
release him before I would be able to banish
the dark spirit. "In the name of Jesus Christ, I
command you to leave! Jesus, Jesus, Jesus,
Jesus, Jesus, Jesus, Jesus, Jesus," I said,
"Jesus, Jesus, Jesus, Jesus, Jesus, Jesus, Jesus,
Jesus!" Repeating it probably thirty or forty
times, it took that long for the demon's
energies to pull in towards the vase, and
then to be hurled downwards towards the
"The doors of Perdition shall close on all
that Perverseness has conceived, and
everlasting bars shut in all baleful spirits."
The Dead Sea Scriptures, The Book of Hymns,
Page 154, (Christianity, Gnostic/Essene)
Turning to the former ward, he
replied, "I am dreaming of this spirit right
now." Tuning into his soul in his dreaming,
I pulled him out of the dream to hopefully
reduce any potential damage.
Looking at him, I noticed that his
lower chakras were lighted all the way up to

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