Microsoft Word - Spiritual Warfare, Angels and Demons.doc

(Brent) #1

pulse of light through the ugly demon and
watched as the dark abyss opened to receive
its viper. But, angered at my victory, several
more came out towards me in the direction
of my other hand which was holding a
rosary. Sending a bolt of energy towards
me, the rosary began vibrating in my hand
as a large sting could be felt in my palm.
Startled, I tossed the rosary towards the
wall, unaware of what was happening as the
surprise assault came so quickly. Now, I was
Picking up my rosary, I became fully
conscious and awake, yet still quite aware of
the battle with which I was entrenched in the
ethereal realms. Remaining visible to me, the
nasty tarantulas were coming again, hoping
to gain victory and entry into my form.
Imaging light, a huge beam of light came
down from the heavens, and I watched as
the terribly immense and black pit opened to
receive the lurid creatures. Initially, they
went one at a time, and then suddenly they
began falling in droves into the pit from the
force of God. Grateful, I prayed to the Lord
in thanks for His divine protection.
"Even if you are considered to be the most
sinful of all sinners, when you are situated

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