I could tell at this moment, everything that
was about to transpire was coming from a
purely up front source. All of the souls
gathered were here to learn more intricate
details of their personal destinies.
Literally hundreds of souls were
lined up to receive information about their
purpose. As souls were awaiting their turn,
they talked quietly amongst themselves,
sharing ideas and inspirations for higher
destinies, with the hope that some of these
ideas might reach the conscious minds of
some of the living members of this
Giving information to others, the
man who was giving counsel suddenly came
over to me. Because I was so impressed with
what I'd heard him tell others, I was quite
expectant as to what he might have to tell
me. Handing me a cassette tape, he guided
me to look upon the jacket and read
something that was scribbled in handwriting
upon its sheath. The work of a male
musician, he had scribbled a note in his own
handwriting on the cover. 'Dear Marilyn,' it
said, 'I am looking for you, my true wife.
Find me.'
Looking at a black and white